Whats Your Skin Type? Take a Test

Whats Your Skin Type? Take a Test

here's a test to help you determine your skin type:

  1. How does your skin feel in the morning? a. Dry and tight b. Oily c. Normal

  2. How does your skin look after a few hours? a. Dull and flaky b. Shiny and greasy c. Fresh and healthy

  3. How does your skin react to new skincare products? a. Easily irritated and prone to redness b. Breaks out easily c. No major reaction

  4. How often do you need to moisturize your skin? a. Multiple times a day b. Rarely or not at all c. Once a day

  5. How often do you experience breakouts? a. Rarely b. Frequently c. Occasionally

  6. How does your skin feel after washing your face? a. Tight and uncomfortable b. Clean but oily c. Fresh and comfortable

  7. How does your skin react to the sun? a. Burns easily b. Tans easily c. Tan but occasionally burns


  1. a-1, b-3, c-2
  2. a-1, b-3, c-2
  3. a-3, b-2, c-1
  4. a-3, b-1, c-2
  5. a-1, b-3, c-2
  6. a-1, b-3, c-2
  7. a-3, b-2, c-1

Results: If you scored mostly 1's, you likely have dry skin. If you scored mostly 2's, you likely have oily skin. If you scored mostly 3's, you likely have sensitive skin. If you scored mostly 4's, you likely have combination skin. If you scored mostly 5's, you likely have normal skin.

Note: This test is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis by a dermatologist. If you have concerns about your skin, please consult a dermatologist.

Coming Up - Recommendations For Each Skin Type

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